Joshua Slagle

I am a Software Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics major from Cedar Rapids, Iowa who loves computers, coffee, and climbing - in that order. I am currently employed by Collins Aerospace and am looking forward to becoming a full-time employee this December. My technical interests include containers, container orchestration, and artificial intelligence - specifically machine learning as it mimics human thought. When I'm not doing school, work, or personal projects, I enjoy camping, hiking, and climbing.
Zach Borchard

My name is Zach Borchard and I'm a senior in software engineering. I currently work for Nationwide, and in my free time I enjoy working out, biking, reading, and listening to music.
Emma Paskey
Hello, my name is Emma Paskey. I'm a senior in Software Engineering form Sioux City, Iowa Currently, my favorite class subjects are cyber security and ethics in software development. When I take off my tech wizard hat for the day, I like visiting friends and enjoying the weather! If anyone asks, my favorite tea is jasmine.
Andrew Dort

I'm Andrew, a SR. in software engineering from Woodstock, IL. Currently an intern a Hy-Vee. In my off time from school and work, I like to play soccer, ice hockey, and tennis. I also love collecting figurines and spending time with the Grandma.
Kira Pierce

I'm Kira, a senior in software engineering from Colfax, IA. My favourite things to code are UI, databases, and security-focused software. When I'm not coding, I like playing PC games, studying herpetology, and doing political activism.